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Ogłoszenia targów i szkoleń

Trade Only National Show Coventry

Trade Only National Show Coventry
Miejsce Europa Coventry
Data rozpoczęcia 2013-01-30
Data zakończenia 2013-01-31
www http://www.tradeonly.co.uk/

Fair organizer:
Trade Only - Europe
Unit 4 Rhodes Business Park Silburn Way, Manchester Old Road
M24 4NE Manchester, Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Tel: +44 (0)844 8802751
Fax: +44 (0)870 1453861


Trade fair for promotional products
The Trade Only National Show in Coventry is one of the largest and most important trade fairs for promotional products in the UK. It is aimed at manufacturers, suppliers, or printers of promotional materials, advertising signs and textiles. They have the opportunity to present at the fair their products and services and thus gain new customers for their business. Visitors have the opportunity at the fair to obtain comprehensive information and to compare products.


Trade Show Contact:


Fair location:
Ricoh Arena
71 Phoenix Way
CV6 6GE Coventry, Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Tel: +44 (0)844 8736500
Fax: +44 (0)844 8736599